Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Day 24 - Wordless Wednesday: Yummy!


Anonymous said...

Nice plates! :D

Looks good - keep it up!
(a bit of green would have balanced it all out, perhaps?)...

NathanRyder said...

@Karen: Maybe... And next time I also need to remember to season it! It was tasty, but some Italian seasoning would have really helped it out. I always forget seasoning :(

Will pass on your comment about the plates to my mum! :)

Bilbo said...

Congratulations on winning the Clean Plate Award!

NathanRyder said...

@Bilbo: I'd like to thank the Academy, my family - oh I promised myself I wouldn't cry!

Anonymous said...

I'm so hungry right now =(

NathanRyder said...

@matt: It was quite tasty...